Looking to get involved? If you're interested in joining clubs, attending club events, and getting connected to the AU community, have a scroll through this page!

Explore Our Clubs
Visit Engage! Engage allows members of the AU community to find student organizations and discover events happening on campus. Simply sign into Engage using your AU Portal username and password, and explore what American University's student organizations are up to!
Join the Roster
After you've checked out our clubs, click the "Join" button on their club page! This will add you as a pending member, that the executive board can approve. Once you're a member, you can keep up with your organization through Engage and check out their events on the CORQ app.

Utilize AUCC
Have you looked at Engage and still need further help choosing the organization for you? Or, do you want to get involved but don't know what you want to do? Maybe you've reached out to a club, but haven't heard back yet? That's the perfect time to contact an AUCC Club Consultant! Our Club Consultants have unique knowledge of each club and can act as "connection-makers."

Download CORQ
Corq is a free app that syncs with the Engage platform. Here you can browse club events, RSVP, and share them with other AU students. Corq is available for download via the App Store and Google Play.